With the spread of coronavirus having an impact on people worldwide, we have been discussing the implications this has for young children’s education. There will no doubt be temporary closures of early learning services. There will also be families (and educators) who due to exposure to the virus, or other risk factors need to self-isolate in order to prevent transmission of the virus.
With the inability to be out and about in the community, parents will surely find this a challenging time. With no trips to the local playground, no visiting malls or other public places and no interacting with people outside of their immediate family, it is likely that families will struggle to come up with ways to keep young children busy. It is also important to remember that children may have heard the adults in their lives talking about the virus for some time now. It is hard to avoid the impact it is having on the world and children will be noticing that things are different. They may be a little confused, scared, and stressed without having a good understanding of what coronavirus actually is. Advice for parents that might help in your time of isolation
Adapted text from www.storypark.com
O Brasil tem uma das legislações mais modernas do mundo, no que diz respeito às suas diretrizes para a educação. Em 1996, foi aprovada a Lei nº 9.394, que ficou mais conhecida como nova LDB. ![]()
Márcia LeiteProfessora, psicanalista infantil, psicopedagoga e Orientadora Educacional e Pedagógica Bilingue Atualização Profissional
FGV - Liderança e Gestão participativa na escola FGV - Motivação nas organizações Harvard - Children Rights HistóricoCategorias |